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Momo is Bobo's handsome twin brother with all the rizz. Momo is in fact so handsome some mistake him for Bobo's sister.

Momo is gaining even more popularity with the ladies after the viral question - asked of women:

"Would you rather meet a bear or a man in the woods?"

In response, woman answered: "The bear"

Women around the world have chosen the bear. #SheChoseTheBear

Here is Momo's advice to men wanting to attract the opposite sex:

"I don't know man...just treat her like she's a real person and stop being creepy" - Momo

Momo loves the attention he's getting from women but his main focus is crypto. Momo is a crypto OG. He knows the importance of putting his honey and money first because unlike men / man he's not a creepy simp.

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